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Aryadeva's 400 Stanzas

Review of Chapter 6: Part 2

Part 2 of a review of Chapter 6 of Aryadeva's "400 Stanzas on the Middle…

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Aryadeva's 400 Stanzas

Chapter 9: Verses 205-217

Refuting views held by non-Buddhist schools and lower Buddhist schools.

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Aryadeva's 400 Stanzas

Chapter 9: Refuting permanent functional phenomena

The explanation of ultimate truths begins with verses on the refutation of true existence by…

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Aryadeva's 400 Stanzas

Review of Chapter 7: Verses 156-175

A review of Chapter 7 of Aryadeva's "400 Stanzas on the Middle Way" focuses on…

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Aryadeva's 400 Stanzas

Review of Chapter 7: Verses 151-155

A review of Chapter 7 of Aryadeva's "400 Stanzas on the Middle Way" focuses on…

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Aryadeva's 400 Stanzas

Chapters 8-9: Verses 200-201

An explanation of the three kinds of compassion, dependent arising, making ourselves suitable vessels, and…

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Aryadeva's 400 Stanzas

Chapter 8: Verses 197-200

The relationship between realizing emptiness and generating bodhicitta, and why the end of afflictions is…

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Aryadeva's 400 Stanzas

Chapter 8: Self and emptiness

A discussion session that touches on the self-centered thought, how self-grasping ignorance produced afflictions, and…

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Aryadeva's 400 Stanzas

Chapter 8: Verses 195-196

How to meditate on emptiness, and the importance of reflection and meditation on the teachings.

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Aryadeva's 400 Stanzas

Chapter 8: Verses 192-194

The different ways the Buddha presented the teachings according to the disposition of the disciples.

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Aryadeva's 400 Stanzas

Chapter 8: Verses 190-191

Meditating on emptiness of the self, three levels of selflessness of persons, and the four-point…

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Aryadeva's 400 Stanzas

Chapter 8: Verses 188-190

A student must be prepared for the teachings on emptiness in order to understand the…

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