Thought Training

Teachings that help us transform our minds to see people and events we find challenging from a Dharma perspective.

All Posts in Thought Training

Statue of 1000 armed Chenrezig made of wood.
108 Verses on Compassion

108 Verses: Verses 78-81

Importance of setting one's motivation and actions towards enlightenment.

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Statue of 1000 armed Chenrezig made of wood.
108 Verses on Compassion

108 Verses: Verses 76-77

How great compassion is the seed for all practitioners following different paths.

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Seven-point Mind Training

Review: Ignorance and tenet systems

A review of the section on cultivating the awakening mind, including what ignorance is, avoiding…

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Seven-point Mind Training

Review: Cultivating conventional bodhicitta

A review of transforming adverse circumstances into the path, the five forces, and the measure…

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Seven-point Mind Training

Review: Conventional bodhicitta

A review of the text covering conventional bodhicitta and the two methods for developing bodhicitta.

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Seven-point Mind Training

Review: Four preliminary practices

Review and summary of the conclusion on the four preliminary practices. Includes helpful guidance on…

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Statue of 1000 armed Chenrezig made of wood.
108 Verses on Compassion

108 Verses: Verses 63-70

How great compassion helps sentient beings towards better rebirth and progress towards enlightenment.

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Statue of 1000 armed Chenrezig made of wood.
108 Verses on Compassion

108 Verses: Verses 57-62

How one has the potential to attain enlightenment by changing one's own thoughts and mind.

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Seven-point Mind Training

Illusion-like appearance

How things and persons appear like illusions; the correct meaning of "illusion-like appearance" and ways…

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