Thought Training

Teachings that help us transform our minds to see people and events we find challenging from a Dharma perspective.

All Posts in Thought Training

Pink sunset sky between the silhouettes of two trees.
Wheel of Sharp Weapons Retreat 2014

Developing equanimity

What prevents and what would help us to develop equanimity. Looking at our own needs…

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Pink sunset sky between the silhouettes of two trees.
Wheel of Sharp Weapons Retreat 2014

Cultivating positive habits

Learning how to change our habitual reactions and mental states and how to interact with…

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Pink sunset sky between the silhouettes of two trees.
Wheel of Sharp Weapons Retreat 2014

Meditating on the results of karma

Advice on how to meditate on the verses followed by an examination of the results…

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Pink sunset sky between the silhouettes of two trees.
Wheel of Sharp Weapons Retreat 2014

Cultivating clear communication

Examining our motivations for harsh or unkind speech, looking at ways to cultivate different habits…

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Pink sunset sky between the silhouettes of two trees.
Wheel of Sharp Weapons Retreat 2014

The three poisons

The role of self-grasping ignorance, anger, and attachment in our relationships with others.

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Pink sunset sky between the silhouettes of two trees.
Wheel of Sharp Weapons Retreat 2014

Changing habits through practice

Changing our habitual patterns through repeated practice, we can transform the most unpleasant circumstances into…

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Pink sunset sky between the silhouettes of two trees.
Wheel of Sharp Weapons Retreat 2014

Apologizing and forgiving

The meaning of forgiveness, how to let go of our anger and transform a painful…

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Pink sunset sky between the silhouettes of two trees.
Wheel of Sharp Weapons Retreat 2014

Ignorance and karma

How to transform the mind of "I should" and accept our karma instead of getting…

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Thought Training

What suffering does

While people seek happiness, many feel shaped through suffering. Suffering brings us out of ourselves…

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Don't Believe Everything You Think

Transforming suffering

Looking at our reactions when we face adversity, and how we can transform pain and…

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Venerable Thubten Chodron giving a talk in Chicago Jewel Heart Center.
Eight Verses of Thought Transformation

Eight verses of mind training: Verses 3-6

Explaining different afflictive emotions and their respective antidotes. Using difficult people and situations for our…

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