Stages of the Path

Lamrim teachings provide a step-by-step approach to practicing the entire path to awakening.

All Posts in Stages of the Path

Essential Spiritual Advice

Dying without fear and regret

Preparing our family for our death, living wills and notifying them of spiritual commitments and…

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Essential Spiritual Advice

Mindfulness of ethical conduct

How ethical conduct affects not only our spiritual practice but others' faith as well.

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Essential Spiritual Advice

How to listen to the Dharma

What the right attitudes are when listening to the Dharma and questions that will set…

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Stages of the Path

The far-reaching practice of wisdom

Explanation of the far-reaching practice of wisdom and how it cultivating it enables us to…

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Stages of the Path

The six far-reaching practices

How the six far-reaching practices work together enabling us to progress on the path.

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Stages of the Path

Developing bodhicitta

Explanation of the meditation on equalizing and exchanging self and others to develop bodhicitta.

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Stages of the Path

Equalizing and exchanging self and other

Explanation of equalizing and exchanging self and others as well as a special meditation on…

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Stages of the Path

Seven-point cause and effect

Developing bodhicitta, first by meditating on exchanging and equalizing self with others, then following the…

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Stages of the Path

Samsara and dukkha

Looking at the disadvantages of cyclic existence to develop a determination to be free from…

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Stages of the Path


An in-depth look at the intricacies of karma: its characteristics, factors, results, and weight; helping…

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