Stages of the Path

Lamrim teachings provide a step-by-step approach to practicing the entire path to awakening.

All Posts in Stages of the Path

Essence of a Human Life

Attachment to the body

Contemplating the amount of time we spend seeking pleasure for and pampering our body when…

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Essence of a Human Life

The nine-point death meditation

Reflecting on our relationships with money, possessions, friends, and relatives, and the karma we create…

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Essence of a Human Life

Moving towards our spiritual goals

While it is important to know what we are moving away from in our spiritual…

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Gomchen Lamrim

The qualities of spiritual mentors and students

The qualities to look for in a spiritual mentor and the qualities to develop from…

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Gomchen Lamrim

How to listen to and explain the Dharma teachings

The states of mind to cultivate when listening to Dharma teachings. The attitudes we should…

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Gomchen Lamrim

The four great qualities of the lamrim

A brief Introduction to the text, and author. The four points showing the greatness of…

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Essence of a Human Life

Letting go of worldly concerns

The difficulty of overcoming attachment to our reputation, and how it is a great hindrance…

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Essence of a Human Life

Giving up grasping

Practicing now so that giving up our body, wealth, and friends at the time of…

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Essence of a Human Life

What matters at the time of death

Cutting the cord of attachment and aversion so that we can be free from petty…

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Easy Path to Travel to Omniscience

Overview of the stages of the path

The conclusion of the teaching series with a broad overview of all the stages of…

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Essence of a Human Life

Preparing for death

Reflecting on the deaths happening around us constantly is a warning for us to practice…

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