
All Posts in Books

Venerable Chodron and Russell Kolts signing books.

Book launch: “Living with an Open Heart”

A summary of the book launch and signing event for the book Living with an…

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Interview on “Buddhism: One Teacher, Many Trad...

Tracy Simmons speaks to Venerable Thubten Chodron about her new book and why it would…

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Long gestation, happy delivery

The Abbey celebrates the arrival of Venerable Thubten Chodron's new book, "Buddhism: One Teacher, Many…

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Buddhism’s common ground

An interview on the book Buddhism: One Teacher, Many Traditions that explores the similarities and…

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Origin and spread of the Buddha’s doctrine

An excerpt from "Buddhism: One Teacher, Many Traditions" exploring the similarities and differences within Buddhist…

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Cover of Buddhism: One Teacher, Many Traditions

Our common bond

When our enthusiasm for the Dhamma is guided by love, compassion, joy, and equanimity, we…

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Cover of Buddhism: One Teacher, Many Traditions

The Buddha’s teachings

Preface to "Buddhism: One Teacher, Many Traditions," highlighting the central tenets of Buddhist beliefs and…

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Book launch: “Don’t Believe Everything Y...

A write-up on the book launch of "Don't Believe Everything You Think" in Singapore together…

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Developing a good heart

His Holiness the Dalai Lama reflects on the importance of cultivating a compassionate motivation in…

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Cover of How to Free Your Mind.

As close as a mother to her children

Lama Zopa Rinpoche shares how the practice of Tara can solve our problems.

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Cover of How to Free Your Mind.

The practice of Tara the liberator

An introduction to How to Free Your Mind as a well as a meditation on…

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Cover of How to Free Your Mind.

Examining attachment

Using the practice of generosity as an antidote to attachment.

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