Monastic Life

A treasury of information about the joys and challenges of life as a Buddhist monastic.

All Posts in Monastic Life

Exploring Monastic Life (EML) retreatants sitting in chairs praying.
Exploring Monastic Life 2007

Questions for group discussions

How to prepare for monastic ordination. Reflecting on motivation, dealing with difficulties.

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Happy tibetan nuns.
Full Ordination for Nuns

Bhikshuni vinaya and ordination lineages

A summary report by Alex Berzin of the 2007 International Congress on the Women's Role…

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Venerable Jampa Tsedroen, a chief organizer of the The First International Congress on Buddhist Women’s Role in the Sangha in Hamburg, Germany.
Full Ordination for Nuns

Women in the sangha

Reflections on the First International Congress on Buddhist Women’s Role in the Sangha in Hamburg,…

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Audience at the The First International Congress on Buddhist Women’s Role in the Sangha in Hamburg, Germany.
Full Ordination for Nuns

Full ordination for women

An interview with Buddhadharma about full ordination for women and the conference in Hamburg 2007.

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His Holiness the Dalai Lama.
Tibetan Tradition

Bhikshuni ordination in the Tibetan tradition

Support of the establishment of bhikshuni ordination in the Tibetan tradition.

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Venerable Chodron smiling, standing in front of a bright green tree.
Tibetan Tradition

Multi-tradition ordination (short version)

Detailed research establishing a precedent in Tibet where ordination was given together by monks from…

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Tibetan nuns sitting and waiting.
Tibetan Tradition

Clarifying the status of the “Geshe-ma”

A clarification of the status of women in the Tibetan monastic community: how the issues…

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Venerable standing in front of sunflowers, smiling.
Western Monastics

Living as a Western monastic

A short article that examines the hurdles in going for ordination and living as a…

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Sri Lankan Buddhist nuns making offerings of flowers at a stupa.
Theravada Tradition

The Bhikshuni Order in Theravada Sri Lanka

Relevance and importance of Bhikshunis for Buddhadharma and society.

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Painting of the ordination of Mahaprajapati.
Tibetan Tradition

Regarding the bhikshuni order in Tibetan Buddhism

An interview on bhikshuni ordination in Tibetan Buddhist, benefits of having bhikshuni in all Buddhist…

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Venerable Chodron was invited to give a talk to the nuns of Jangchub Choeling Nunnery.
Tibetan Tradition

Present status of bhikshuni ordination

Concerns within the sangha regarding giving bhikshuni ordination are addressed by the findings of recent…

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Group photo of monastics.
Western Buddhist Monastic Gatherings

Monastic health

Monastics practicing in the West discusses health, including how it influences practice, how it relates…

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