Monastic Life

A treasury of information about the joys and challenges of life as a Buddhist monastic.

All Posts in Monastic Life

Thangka image of the Buddha.
Exploring Monastic Life 2009

The Buddha’s enlightenment

Learning from Buddha's example to seek the truth with no compromise and practice diligently, as…

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Group of smiling Abbey monastics.
Exploring Monastic Life 2009

The benefits of community life

There is nothing wrong with enjoying the happiness of this life: it is attachment to…

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Silhouette of monastic standing on beach.
Exploring Monastic Life 2009

The noble search

A realistic view of monastic life; commentaries on sutras. How taking vows, engaging in ethical…

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Group photo of The 2009 International Conference for Buddhist Sangha Education
A Nun's Life

Women working together

At a conference around the birthday of Bhikshuni Wu Yin, the necessary actions for encouragement…

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Young buddhist nuns chanting.
A Nun's Life

Bhikkhuni education today

Buddhist studies for fully ordained nuns in the modern age.

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Venerable Thubten Chodron sitting in meditation position and smiling happily.
Western Monastics

Buddhist education for nuns in Western countries

The ordination and education of nuns in Western countries; Sravasti Abbey as a proving ground…

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Venerable teaching at Thösamling Institute in India.
Monastic Life

How to approach Dharma practice

Practical advice on applying the Dharma in everyday life, making the teachings transform our minds…

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A Tibetan nun smiling.
Becoming a Monastic

Some thoughts after ordination

Rejoice in choosing monastic life as the best way to achieve happiness.

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Venerable Chodron and Abbey monastics smiling happily.
Exploring Monastic Life 2008

Monastic life in America

Advice for those considering ordination, putting the aspiration in the framework of Buddhism, monasticism, and…

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A small stone statute of Buddha
Exploring Monastic Life 2008

Perfection of concentration

On the basis of ethical conduct, training to abandon the hindrances and as a result…

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Venerable Chodron and other monastics in the meditation hall during the 2014 Pravarana ceremony.
Western Monastics

The challenge of the future

Does Western Buddhism need a monastic sangha? If so, what should their role be? What…

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EML group discussions with Venerable Chodron
Exploring Monastic Life 2008

Deciding to become a monastic

What does being useful really mean? What are your spiritual aspirations? Coming to the decision…

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