Monastic Life

A treasury of information about the joys and challenges of life as a Buddhist monastic.

All Posts in Monastic Life

Couple embracing.
Monastic Life

Attachment makes the world go ’round

How to work with feelings of attachment and desire as a monastic, not getting down…

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Venerable Damcho during her head-shaving ceremony.
Becoming a Monastic

Letter to those considering monastic ordination

Advice and resources for those considering monastic life, and special advice for those who are…

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Venerable Chodron in the early years of her ordination.
A Nun's Life

You’re becoming a what?

Venerable Thubten Chodron shares her experience as a Westerner who made the decision to become…

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A group of nuns standing together under a tree.
Western Monastics

Western Buddhist nuns

What it's like to be a Buddhist nun in the West, the challenges faced and…

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Group photo of monastics.
Western Buddhist Monastic Gatherings

Joyfully swimming upstream

Monastics from different traditions discussed the significance of the Vinaya and its application in a…

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EML participants and Abbey sangha in discussion.
Exploring Monastic Life 2010

The elements of monastic life

In order to get the benefit of monasticism as a thought transformation practice we need…

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A tibetan monk holding incense in his hand.
Exploring Monastic Life 2010

Monastic life changes: Relationships

Developing compassion for self and others with wisdom for the long term. Learning to work…

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A small novice holding a piece of paper.
Exploring Monastic Life 2010

Monastic life changes: Courage

Committed to benefiting others, moving away from materialistic consumerism and away from instant self-gratification.

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Photo of alot of tibetan monks, nuns and their families.
Exploring Monastic Life 2010

Community and the six harmonies

A place where we see others grow and change and work with their stuff, and…

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A person sitting in a mediation position.
Exploring Monastic Life 2010

Ethical conduct

A description of the advantages of the monastic sangha and monastic precepts in society.

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Photo of the Buddha preaches his First Sermon about the Four Noble Truths to the Group of Five Monks
Exploring Monastic Life 2010

The Buddha’s life as an example

Various behavior patterns that influence our communication styles; using Buddha’s life as an example of…

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