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All Posts in Meditation

Chenrezig Weeklong Retreat 2012

Caring mind towards everyone

Questioning our reactions to others and evening out our biases by developing equanimity.

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Chenrezig Weeklong Retreat 2012

Benefits of forgiveness

The benefits of forgiveness and remembering the kindness of our parents.

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Cultivating Concentration Retreat 2012

Six conditions, five faults, eight antidotes

The six conditions for doing concentration retreat, the five faults affecting serenity meditation, and the…

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Cultivating Concentration Retreat 2012

The hindrances: Doubt

What mindfulness means in developing serenity, and an explanation of the fifth hindrance that prevents…

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Cultivating Concentration Retreat 2012

The hindrances: Dullness and restlessness

A guided meditation session followed by the continued teaching on the five hindrances to concentration.…

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Cultivating Concentration Retreat 2012

The hindrances: Desire and malice

The difference between arhats and bodhisattvas in attaining full awakening. The hindrances of sensual desire…

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Cultivating Concentration Retreat 2012

Ultimate goal of developing concentration

Exploring the long-term purpose of shamatha meditation and the positive impact to everyone.

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A row of novice nuns kneels to receive a stick to enter the annual monastic retreat.
Prayers and Practices

Monastic mind motivation prayer

Verses recited daily at Sravasti Abbey by both monastics and guests in order to cultivate…

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Statue of a Buddha near Gotami House at Sravasti Abbey.
Texts to Recite and Contemplate

A glance meditation on all the important points of l...

A very brief, yet meaningful, meditation text covering the stages of the path to awakening.

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