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Guided Meditations

Things change

A gentle reflection on impermanence that we can do daily to cushion the shock we…

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Cover of Vast as the Heavens Deep as the Sea by Khunu Lama Rinpoche
Green Tara Weeklong Retreat 2015

Foundation for bodhicitta

Verses 8-9 of Khunu Lama Rinpoche's "The Precious Lamp in Praise of Bodhicitta." The importance…

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Golden Tara statue in front of a card showing a river and mountains.
Green Tara Weeklong Retreat 2015

More psychology of the Tara sadhana

Continuing the commentary on the psychology of the Tara sadhana, from making the mandala offering…

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Golden Tara statue in front of a card showing a river and mountains.
Green Tara Weeklong Retreat 2015

Being realistic and compassionate

How to hold a mind of compassion for ourselves and others when we are overwhelmed…

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Golden Tara statue in front of a card showing a river and mountains.
Green Tara Weeklong Retreat 2015

Special attributes of the Three Jewels

Review of the eight attributes of the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha according to Maitreya's "Treatise…

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Golden Tara statue in front of a card showing a river and mountains.
Green Tara Weeklong Retreat 2015

Psychology of the Tara sadhana

The psychology of the Green Tara sadhana practice, from refuge and bodhicitta up to the…

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Cover of Vast as the Heavens Deep as the Sea by Khunu Lama Rinpoche
Green Tara Weeklong Retreat 2015

Objects of refuge

Teaching on Verses 5-8 from Khunu Lama Rinpoche's "The Precious Lamp in Praise of Bodhicitta."

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Cover of Vast as the Heavens Deep as the Sea by Khunu Lama Rinpoche
Green Tara Weeklong Retreat 2015

Praising bodhicitta

Clarification of points from the previous day's teachings, and the first teaching on Khunu Lama…

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Cover of Vast as the Heavens Deep as the Sea by Khunu Lama Rinpoche
Green Tara Weeklong Retreat 2015

Introducing the text and author

The unusual background of Khunu Rinpoche Tenzin Gyaltsen who is the author of the text…

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Cultivating Concentration Retreat 2015

Interdependence and equanimity

A motivation on cultivating equanimity and a story from Nagarjuna's text on attachment to touchables.

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