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All Posts in Meditation

Four Establishments of Mindfulness (Russia)

Meditating on the four establishments of mindfulness

Meditating on the four establishments of mindfulness includes meditating on the common and individual characteristics…

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Four Establishments of Mindfulness (Russia)

The objects of mindfulness and the misconceptions to...

How practicing the four establishments of mindfulness helps to overcome misconceptions of the body, feelings,…

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Guided Meditations

Practicing enjoyment

A short talk on how to find joy in the small things in daily life…

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Closeup of statue of Tara.
Texts to Recite and Contemplate

A Song to Mummy Tara in These Dire Times

At the request of Venerable Lobsang Tenpa and Friends of Sravasti Abbey Russia, Venerable Chodron…

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Cultivating serenity

How to cultivate serenity taking the conventional nature of the mind as the object.

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Painting of Shakyamuni Buddha.
Refuge Ngöndro

Refuge ngondro retreat: Questions and answers

Advice on how to approach the retreat, structure meditation sessions, activities between sessions, and working…

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Refuge Ngöndro

Refuge Ngondro Retreat instructions

The refuge ngondro practice and tips on how to work with the mind during the…

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Guided Meditations

Things keep changing

More ways to reflect on impermanence in daily life, focusing on the processes of the…

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Guided Meditations

Death: The only thing we have to do

Why it's helpful to think about the certainty of our death. A guided meditation that…

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