
Learn different Buddhist meditation techniques and all the tools you need to establish a daily meditation practice.

All Posts in Meditation

A group of nuns meditating.
Buddhist Meditation 101

Meditation on the kindness of others

A guided meditation to generate awareness of interdependence and of being the recipient of kindness.

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Two nuns meditating.
Antidotes to Afflictions

Meditation on working with anger

A guided meditation to reflect on the causes of anger and the antidotes.

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Two young men sitting next to each other and meditating.
Buddhist Meditation 101

Meditation on mind is the source of happiness and pain

A guided meditation to help understand how our thoughts and feelings influence our experience. Includes…

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Living a Meaningful Life

Meditation on death

A guided meditation to help clarify priorities in life in order to live wisely and…

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Living a Meaningful Life

Meditation on ways to understand impermanence

A guided meditation on five ways to understand impermanence as described in the book "The…

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Antidotes to Afflictions

Meditation on overcoming attachment to reputation

A guided meditation on the eight worldly concerns, focusing on overcoming attachment to a good…

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Thangka image of Sachen Kunga Nyingpo.
Parting from the Four Clingings

Freedom from the Four Fixations

English translation of the root text containing instructions on freedom from the four fixations by…

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Thangka image of Sachen Kunga Nyingpo.
Parting from the Four Clingings

Parting from the Four Attachments

English translation of the root text containing instructions on parting from the four attachments by…

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Living a Meaningful Life

Meditation on precious human life

Meditating on the good circumstances of a precious human rebirth inspires us to use our…

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Vajrasattva New Year's Retreat 2019-20

Collective karma and negativities to confess

How to set up a practical meditation schedule, the karma we create from group participation,…

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Vajrasattva New Year's Retreat 2019-20

How we create negative karma

Continuing commentary on the 35 Buddha practice, discussing the varieties of ways we create negative…

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