Meditation, Prayers, and Practices
There's more to meditation than sitting and watching your breath. The Tibetan word for meditation, gom, means “familiarizing” or “habituating.” Here you’ll find books on how to train the mind and familiarize it with the virtuous qualities needed to become a fully awakened buddha.
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Guided Buddhist Meditations
This invaluable resource provides Dharma practitioners with clear explanations of the stages of the path (lamrim), complemented by guided audio meditations on each of the topics covered.
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Highest Yoga Tantra Books
The following books may only be read by those with the requisite initiations and empowerments:
- A Teaching on Yamantaka by Lama Zopa Rinpoche, edited by Venerable Thubten Chodron. Request the text from the Lama Yeshe Wisdom Archive.
- A Teaching on Heruka by Lama Zopa Rinpoche, edited by Venerable Thubten Chodron. Request the text from the Lama Yeshe Wisdom Archive.
- Heruka Body Mandala Sadhana and Tsog and Commentary by Lati Rinpoche, translated by Thupten Jinpa, transcribed and edited by Venerable Thubten Chodron. To order from Sravasti Abbey, email to: office (dot) sravasti (at) gmail (dot) com

Pearl of Wisdom, Book III
A collection of action (Kriya) Tantra sadhanas for those who wish to engage in self-generation deity yoga methods and have received the proper tantric empowerment and subsequent permission for that specific deity.
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How to Free Your Mind
If you are curious about Buddhist deities, in particular female Buddhas, if you want to learn about freeing your mind from disturbing emotions and the nature of reality, this book will be of interest and benefit to you.
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Guided Buddhist Meditations
This invaluable resource provides Dharma practitioners with clear explanations of the stages of the path (lamrim), complemented by guided audio meditations on each of the topics covered.
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Cultivating a Compassionate Heart
The Buddha of Compassion, whether known as Chenrezig, Avalokiteshvara, Kuan Yin, or Kannon, is widely loved and practiced. This text serves as a comprehensive and practical commentary on this well-known Tibetan practice, drawn from scriptural and oral teachings.
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Pearl of Wisdom, Book II
An inspiring resource for students who have already entered into the practice of Tibetan Buddhism, this text contains meditations to connect us to the various manifestations of the Buddha, practices to cultivate bodhicitta, and other inspiring verses.
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Pearl of Wisdom, Book I
A compilation of prayers and practices commonly taught to people beginning to study and practice Buddhism in the Tibetan tradition. This text, along with instruction from a qualified teacher, serves as an indispensable foundation for students of all levels.
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