Dharma in Action

The real meaning of Dharma practice is to transform our minds. The rubber meets the road when we get off the cushion and live our practice in daily life.

All Posts in Dharma in Action

Venerable Chodron leading retreatants in chanting.
Dealing with Grief

Dealing with grief

Exploring the causes of grief and how to work through the grieving process.

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Altar set up for Medicine Buddha puja.
Dealing with Grief

When our spiritual mentors pass away

A exchange with an old friend about experiencing the deaths of spiritual teachers.

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Abbey monastics chanting during a Medicine Buddha puja.
Dealing with Grief

Losing a dear one who was young

A letter from a student questioning the reason for the loss of her younger sister.

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On Love, Compassion, and Bodhicitta

Transforming grief into gratitude and love

A letter from an incarcerated person on coping with the death of his best friend…

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By Incarcerated People

Growing through the Dharma

A person in prison shows how through thought transformation, we can find some good even…

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Folio image in Ink, opaque watercolor, and gold on paper.
On Cultivating Wisdom

Cuddling up to the Dharma

A great task, a big love. An incarcerated person describes the power of intention in…

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Golden statue of Vajrasattva.
On Meditation

Purifying negative karma

Using the retreat experience to purify the root delusions of pride and attachment.

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Volunteers distributing bottles of water from the back of a pickup truck.
Responding to Prejudice

In the wake of Hurricane Katrina

Advice to two Dharma students on extending compassion to those directly suffering and those distressed…

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Jizo over a red and white patchwork quilt.
On Love, Compassion, and Bodhicitta

A quilt of compassion

Bodhisattvas constantly work to end the suffering of others; even in prison, one can practice…

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A plaque with the words: I am still learning-michelangelo, on a tree.
On Self-Worth

Learning from others

We can rejoice in our own virtue without looking down on others.

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On Mindfulness

Wholesome or unwholesome seeds

Making a conscious decision to plant wholesome seeds in the mind.

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A prison inmate looks through the window of a cell and the other inmate squatting in a corner, his hands covering his head.
Prison Dharma

Seeking liberation while in prison

Lama Zopa Rinpoche comments on the karmic connection those who work with incarcerated people must…

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