Dharma in Action

The real meaning of Dharma practice is to transform our minds. The rubber meets the road when we get off the cushion and live our practice in daily life.

All Posts in Dharma in Action

One of the Eight Auspicious Symbols-the endless knot .
Cultivating Compassion

Wisdom and compassion

Seeing the kindness of sentient beings and understanding that our enlightenment depends on them.

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A man standing inside a very bright circle of light.
Dharma in Daily Life

Living a balanced life and making wise choices

Practical advice on how to live a balanced life and make wise, beneficial decisions.

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Face of a snarling tiger.
On Overcoming Anger

The internal tiger: anger and fear

Having struck out in anger many times, an incarcerated person shares responding to his fear…

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A meditator sitting in lotus posture.
On Taking Illness Onto the Path

An incentive to engage in virtue

A sudden illness gives a student greater incentive and renewed urgency to practice the Dharma.

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On Overcoming Anger

My tiger

Old tiger, new face. It is the mind, not the environment, that makes the difference.

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Young woman sadly looking downward.
Fear, Anxiety, and Other Emotions

Disappointment and delight—the eight worldly c...

Confronting the eight worldly concerns will transform our attachments and emotional afflictions into happiness and…

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Group photo of Venerable Chodron and retreatants in Israel in Dec 2007.
Dharma Guide Training

Bringing the Dharma to the Middle East

A conversation on Buddha's teachings coming to Israel, developing daily and personal practices.

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A small, puffy white cloud and moon in front of clear blue sky.
On Overcoming Anger

Noble silence

How the practice of Noble Silence helps to bring peace to our mind and be…

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A slice of chocolate cake on a plate.
On Attachment

Letting go of attachments

A chocolate cake, a chuck steak or the love of another person—can they make us…

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Statue of a bodhisattva.
On Overcoming Anger

A test of my bodhisattva vows

Keeping oneself free of violence by remembering the vows and showing compassion.

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The word 'forgiveness' written into red and orange tile.
On Self-Worth

The liberation of self-forgiveness

An incarcerated person shares his experience of transforming self-hatred to open up his heart for…

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The word 'love' stamped into metal.
On Love, Compassion, and Bodhicitta

Opening up to love

Being stuck in a selfish lifestyle centered on "me" keeps us from realizing the interdependence…

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