Dharma in Action

The real meaning of Dharma practice is to transform our minds. The rubber meets the road when we get off the cushion and live our practice in daily life.

All Posts in Dharma in Action

Cover of Working with Anger.
Prison Dharma

A remarkable story

A mother's story of how her son was changed by reading a Dharma book and…

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Young man wearing black t-shirt with the word 'Ambitious' on it.
21st Century Buddhists

Are Buddhists ambitious?

Ambition and the Buddhist path. Distinguishing between postive and negative ambition.

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The word 'HOPE' superimposed in front of a sunrise.
Prison Poetry

Power to hope, power to heal

An incarcerated person describes the beauty that results from compassionate actions.

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On Working with Afflictions

Gasp! I was the angry person you were talking about!

Seeing our attachment to anger is the first step to transforming it.

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A closeup of chocolate frosting.
Dharma in Daily Life

Chocolate frosting and garbage

Not getting bogged down in words and labels. Connecting with people through our path and…

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A small flame.
On Overcoming Anger

Not feeding the fire

Within a small space, in a tense situation, a person in prison shares his struggle…

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Jewish stone ablution bowl in lotus leaves
Interfaith Dialogue

The origin of “The Jew in the Lotus”

Reflections on the historic 1990 meeting between American and Israeli Jewish leaders and His Holiness…

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The words 'Help others' written on a concrete sidewalk.
On Cultivating Wisdom

Karma and change

The teachings on karma and how they help us to understand selflessness.

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Valentine candies in a box.
By Prison Volunteers

Valentine’s Day at Oregon State Prison

Accompanying Venerable Chodron and watching her talk to incarcerated people helps to see their qualities…

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Graffiti image of a Buddha's face.
21st Century Buddhists

Buddhism in modern society

The teaching principles of the Buddha can be applied to many things in our modern…

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A man's face and the word 'EGO' spray painted on a wall.
Prison Poetry

Ignorance of the ego

A person in prison reflects on the effects of understanding the Buddha's teachings.

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Prison cell with the words 'Prison poetry I" superimposed over it.
Prison Poetry

Prison poetry I

Poems written by several people associated with the prison Dharma outreach program.

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