Prison Dharma

People in prison and volunteers who work in prisons reflect on how to apply the Dharma in prison settings and beyond.

All Posts in Prison Dharma

A man sitting on a high chair at a corner of the room, apearing to be in agony and looking at the window
Prison Dharma

Incarcerated people transform adversity into the path

Grant funding enables Sravasti Abbey to teach thought-training to incarcerated people in the United States.

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A man carrying a bag walking out in a passageway.
By Incarcerated People

The day has finally arrived

A person in prison is hopeful and sure of himself when, after being incarcerated for…

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On Love, Compassion, and Bodhicitta

People serving time

One incarcerated person's advice on how to relate to people in prison without stereotyping them.

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Man sitting outside in field under clear sky at dusk.
By Incarcerated People

Release from prison: Shock or growth?

A hard-earned experience of over 20 years in prison and a clear-eyed assessment of what…

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Man with sunglasses looking forward
On Addiction

Leading ourselves out of addiction

Taking refuge in drugs or alcohol simply leads to more destructive, addictive behavior, which then…

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A man daydreaming looking a the sunshine shining on him.
On Cultivating Wisdom

Meeting Tara

An incarcerated person recalls a dream of perfection and enlightenment.

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A man sitting on grass playiing a guitar, there's a card with the words: Will work for ATTENTION in front of him.
On Mindfulness

Paying attention to life

An incarcerated person discusses the ways practice has helped him cope and improved his life…

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Man in an elelctric wheelchair.
By Prison Volunteers

A secret Zen master

An incarcerated person recounts a story of tender kindness not likely for a gang member.

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Closeup of a leg and hand of person in sitting meditation.
By Incarcerated People

Practicing in prison

An inmate reflects on his situation on being transferred to a different prison.

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The words: What does Humility require?, written on a wall.
On Self-Worth

Becoming humble

Having the courage to apologize can bring a sense of peace.

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Drawing of Gaza bombing- planes dropping bomb, buildings bomb and people dying in blood on the road.
On Overcoming Anger

An eye-opener

A person in prison feels empathy not only for those who are suffering, but also…

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