Teachings on the Buddhist worldview from introductory talks to comprehensive explanations of the stages of the path to awakening.
All Posts in Teachings
The root afflictions: Arrogance
Teaching from Chapter 3, explaining different types of arrogance.
View PostTaking refuge
An extensive talk about refuge and various aspects of faith as it relates to the…
View PostHow to act when afflictions arise
Covers Verses 46-54 of Chapter 5 discussing skilful ways to act when afflictions arise
View PostThe root afflictions: Anger
Continuing teaching from Chapter 3, explaining four types of clinging, what is anger and how…
View PostThe eight worldly concerns
An outline of the eight worldly concerns, what happens at death and the three unfortunate…
View PostAwareness of our body and speech
Covering Verses 5.34-45, discussing how we can use mindfulness and introspection to assess how we…
View PostThe root afflictions: Attachment
How the afflictions cause problems and the importance of combating them. What attachment is and…
View PostRecollecting the Buddha
Covering Verses 31-35 of Chapter 5, discussing how mindfulness and introspection arise, and how to…
View PostDeath and impermanence
An explanation of the samsaric realms and Buddhist cosmology, plus discussion on impermanence and the…
View PostOur human value
How reflecting on duhkha lessens attachment to worldly pleasures and leads to an aspiration for…
View PostKinds of duhkha
Continuing the teachings from Chapter 2, explaining eight unsatisfactory conditions and describing characteristics of true…
View PostTypes of duhkha
Continuing Chapter 2, covering the sections “Three Types of Duhkha”, “Feelings, Afflictions and Duhkha”, and…
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