
Teachings on the Buddhist worldview from introductory talks to comprehensive explanations of the stages of the path to awakening.

All Posts in Teachings

Gomchen Lamrim

The 37 harmonies with awakening

The 37 harmonies are a fundamental practice of the middle scope and are practiced by…

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Teachings at Sravasti Abbey

Chapter 4: Verses 349-355

Refutations of pleasure and objects of pleasure as being inherently existent. The dependent nature of…

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Don't Believe Everything You Think


Practicing mindfulness of thoughts and feelings to act in accord with our values, apply the…

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Gomchen Lamrim

Generating renunciation

Renunciation is one of the milestones to awakening. The measure of having produced the mind…

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Teachings at Sravasti Abbey

Chapter 4: Verses 339-348

Refuting inherently existent feelings of pleasure and objects of pleasure. Pleasure and happiness exist conventionally…

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Gomchen Lamrim

Taking rebirth from the intermediate state

The transition from the intermediate state to a new rebirth based on explanations in the…

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Teachings at Sravasti Abbey

Chapter 4: Verses 327-339

Nagarjuna's advice to leaders on appointing administrators and treating prisoners with compassion. How to incorporate…

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Gomchen Lamrim

Death and the intermediate state

Factors affecting our death, and the importance of the state of mind at death. What…

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Teachings at Sravasti Abbey

Chapter 4: Verses 322-328

Nagarjuna's practical advice to a king on how to appoint capable officials is relevant for…

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Graphic yellow and red image of the word karma.
Wheel of Sharp Weapons

Karma: The boomerang effect

Learning about karma can help us to create the causes for happiness and avoid the…

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Gomchen Lamrim

Gomchen Lamrim review: Birth, aging, sickness, and d...

How to reflect on the dukkha of birth, aging, sickness and death to generate the…

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Graphic yellow and red image of the word karma.
Wheel of Sharp Weapons

How karma influences our lives

The teachings on karma are very practical. When we see that our experience is a…

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