
Cultivate wisdom that can overcome ignorance at all levels and lead to the attainment of liberation and full awakening.

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Tenets with Geshe Dorji Damdul

Meditation on emptiness

The preciousness of study and meditation on emptiness and the gap between the objective reality…

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Tenets with Geshe Dorji Damdul

Mental states and objects of knowledge

The Chittamatra explanation of mind-basis-of-all, objects of knowledge according to Prasangika, and partless particles according…

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Tenets with Geshe Dorji Damdul

Mind basis of all

The Chittamatra and the mind-basis-of-all and gross and subtle objects.

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Tenets with Geshe Dorji Damdul

Sautrantika views

Objects of observation, possibility of omniscience, subtle mind and energy, and how ethical conduct is…

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Tenets with Geshe Dorji Damdul

Goals and obscurations

Selflessness in the Sautrantika school, meditating on topics other than emptiness, two ultimate goals, and…

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Tenets with Geshe Dorji Damdul

The four seals

Geshe Dorji Damdul skillfully explains how ignorance leads to suffering and how to be rid…

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Tenets with Geshe Dorji Damdul

Reality and appearances

How all functioning things have parts, same and different entities, the gap between reality and…

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