Cultivate wisdom that can overcome ignorance at all levels and lead to the attainment of liberation and full awakening.
All Posts in Wisdom
Facsimile direct perceiver and inferential cognizers
Summary of different types of conceptual consciousness and introduction to inferential cognizer.
View PostYogic direct perceiver
Importance of study, logic, along with meditation, to see how things exist and how they…
View PostApperceptive direct perceiver
Description of that mind which is non-dual with the consciousness that sees the object.
View PostAnalysis of sense perception versus thought
Importance of experiencing our sensations to understand what we truly feel but how we actually…
View PostDirect perceivers: sense and mental
Importance of noticing how we are directly feeling things versus interpreting our experiences.
View PostIntroduction to direct perceivers
Summary of first type of cognizer that experiences things directly.
View PostObject possessors and seven types of cognizers
Classification of possessors of objects and types of mind comprehending objects. How this is important…
View PostMeditating on emptiness using the four-point analysis
How to search effectively for the inherently existent self.
View PostIdentifying types of objects based on cognition
An exercise to identify different types of objects, with many examples.
View PostClassification of objects
How our minds observe with or without interpretation and the classification of objects based on…
View PostDivisions of selfless: Abstract composites
Description of types of objects that are produced which are neither form nor consciousness.
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