Buddhist Worldview

An overview of core Buddhist concepts: the four truths of the aryas, rebirth, karma, refuge, and more.

All Posts in Buddhist Worldview

Thangka image of The Wheel of Life.
Four Truths for the Aryas

Dependent arising in the Pali tradition

A look at karma and dependent arising from the Pali tradition. Examining the causes of…

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Venerable Chodron standing with Venerable Snim, both smiling.
Buddhist Worldview

Spiritual growth in daily life

A Korean nun studying transpersonal psychology brings her questions about the Mahayana practice to Venerable…

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Woman with computer instrument connected to her head.
Qualities of a Spiritual Teacher

Reformatting the hard disk of the mind

An interview concerning a new type of relationship between Buddhist teacher and student in the…

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Cover of book Open Heart, Clearn Mind.
How Rebirth Works

Rebirth and karma

Understanding rebirth and its relationship to karma, and taking responsibility for our lives.

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Group of participants from the 2007 Exploring Monastic Life retreat at the Abbey.
Exploring Monastic Life 2007

Refuge and precepts ceremony

Teachings on taking the five lay precepts with or without celibacy and the eight precepts…

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Thangka image of the Buddha.
Four Truths for the Aryas

Understanding our situation

The four noble truths as the foundation on which the entire path can be both…

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Statute of buddha in Thailand.
The Importance of Motivation

The eight worldly concerns

Examining the eight worldly concerns in terms of discovering a deeper meaning and purpose to…

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Wheel of Life
Essence of Refined Gold

How rebirth works

The benefit of contemplating the possibility of rebirth in the lower realms and how our…

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Practitioner in front of Buddha statue.
Buddhist Worldview

The Buddhist worldview

To practice the Dharma, or even to live a happy life, it is important to…

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The Wheel of Life.
Four Truths for the Aryas

12 links of dependent arising

How we are addicted to feelings of pleasure and avoidance of pain, almost as if…

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Group photo of Venerable Chodron and the Board of Dharma Friendship Foundation.
Qualities of a Spiritual Teacher

Qualities of teacher and student

The need for cultivating a relationship with a qualified spiritual teacher and the importance of…

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