For Young People

Teachings from the annual Young Adults Explore Buddhism program and talks especially for youths.

All Posts in For Young People

Venerable Damcho and Byoghen take a break during a knapweed pulling adventure to Sukhavati.
Young Adults Explore Buddhism 2013

Seeking happiness from inside

What is important for one's happiness and how we operate to form a strong foundation.

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Young Adults Explore Buddhism 2012

Importance of a spiritual teacher

A question-and-answer session with the young adults, covering such topics as spiritual teachers and the…

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Young Adults Explore Buddhism 2012

Karma, purification, and precepts

The four opponent powers for purifying our negative actions. How taking precepts can prevent us…

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Young Adults Explore Buddhism 2012

On friendship

What qualities we value in our friends, and what qualities we need to develop to…

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Young Adults Explore Buddhism 2012

Kindness and karma

By practicing Dharma, we can benefit others in better and more long-lasting ways.

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