Thought Training
Teachings that help us transform our minds to see people and events we find challenging from a Dharma perspective.
All Posts in Thought Training
Why should we train the mind?
Benefits and goals of mind training and an introduction to the root text on "The…
View PostThe Middle Way view
Talking about heart-warming love and compassion and teaching on attachment to inherently existent things and…
View PostLove and compassion
Speaking on developing close relationships without attachment and teaching on the meaning of love and…
View PostEquanimity and the kindness of others
Leading a meditation on equanimity and teaching on the the seven-point cause and effect method…
View PostThe causes of samsara
Speaking on the benefits of meditation on impermanence and teaching on six root afflictions that…
View PostDeath and the defects of samsara
Giving detailed instruction on how to meditate on one's own death and reflecting on the…
View PostAttachment and death meditation
Speaking on the benefits of study and reflection and going through the nine-point death meditation…
View PostThe eight worldly concerns
Teaching on how attachment to this life keeps us bound in samsara, exploring the eight…
View PostAttachment to this life
Speaking on dependent arising and starting teachings on the first attachment that keeps us bound…
View PostThe Buddhist worldview
Introducing the text 'Parting from the Four Attachments' and discussing key ideas in the Buddhist…
View Post༄༅། །ནུབ་པ་རིག་འཛིན་གྲགས་ཀྱིས་མཛད་པའི་ཞེན་པ་བཞི་བྲལ་...
Instruction on parting from the four attachments by Nubpa Rigdzin Drak (bilingual-Tibetan/English).
View PostFreedom from the Four Fixations
English translation of the root text containing instructions on freedom from the four fixations by…
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