Stages of the Path in the Guru Puja

Short talks on the stages of the path described in the Guru Puja text by the fourth Panchen Lama.

All Posts in Stages of the Path in the Guru Puja

Stages of the Path in the Guru Puja

The 10 non-virtues: Disharmonious speech

A look at divisive speech and how the motivation behind creating disharmony is often jealousy.…

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Stages of the Path in the Guru Puja

The 10 non-virtues: Harsh speech

The many ways we can use harsh speech and examining the habit patterns of our…

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Stages of the Path in the Guru Puja

The 10 non-virtues: 3 of mind

From the ten non-virtues the three of the mind are really difficult to detect and…

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Stages of the Path in the Guru Puja

Questions about idle talk

Why idle talk (gossip) is said to be the least destructive of the nonvirtues of…

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Stages of the Path in the Guru Puja

The 10 virtues

Becoming conscious of the virtues can support your motivation to increase your merit.

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Stages of the Path in the Guru Puja

Speaking at appropriate times

Considering the time, the place, the tone, and the content of our speech, and examining…

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Stages of the Path in the Guru Puja

Mental pathways of virtue

Refraining from the mental nonvirtues and practicing generosity, compassion, and right views.

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Stages of the Path in the Guru Puja

Karmic results

If a karmic action is completed certain results will follow. The quality of your rebirth…

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Stages of the Path in the Guru Puja

Collective karma

An explanation of collective karma and how we should be careful and clear about the…

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