Bodhisattva Path

How to become a bodhisattva, a great being intent on attaining full awakening for the benefit of all beings.

All Posts in Bodhisattva Path

Grounds and Paths

Review Quiz 1: Questions 7-8

Continued review of the Fundamental Vehicle quiz and a further explanation of the seven-point cause…

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Grounds and Paths

Review Quiz 1: Question 6

A continuation of the review of the Fundamental Vehicle quiz, and an explanation of the…

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Grounds and Paths

Review Quiz 1: Questions 1-5

Answers to the questions of the Fundamental Vehicle quiz, and a discussion on how to…

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Sonam Gyatso the Third Dalai Lama
Grounds and Paths

Quiz 1: Hearer’s grounds and paths

The questions for a quiz on the Fundamental Vehicle portion of the teachings.

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Grounds and Paths

Mahayana path introduction

An overview of the Mahayana grounds and paths, and the advantages of bodhicitta.

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Grounds and Paths

Hearer’s path and nirvana

How to contemplate the kindness of others, and the benefits of doing so. A continuation…

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Grounds and Paths

Asanga’s hearer’s grounds

An explanation of the 10 points of Asanga's hearer's grounds and how meditating on these…

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Grounds and Paths

Hearer’s path of preparation, seeing, and medi...

The demarcation point for entering each path, how to develop each path, and what afflictions…

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Grounds and Paths

Hearer’s path of accumulation

How the hearer enters the path of accumulation through developing the determination to be free…

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Grounds and Paths

Fundamental Vehicle grounds and paths

An explanation of the hearer's grounds and paths, including which afflictions or fetters need to…

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