Bodhisattva Path

How to become a bodhisattva, a great being intent on attaining full awakening for the benefit of all beings.

All Posts in Bodhisattva Path

Bodhisattva Path

Seven-point cause and effect

Guided meditation on the seven-point cause-and-effect for generating the altruistic intention to become a Buddha.

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Bodhisattva Path


The importance of cultivating equanimity to treat others without attachment, aversion or apathy and with…

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Bodhisattva Path

Buddha’s first precious teaching

To celebrate Turning the Wheel of Dharma Day, an esteemed Tibetan lama offers a teaching…

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Sonam Gyatso the Third Dalai Lama
Grounds and Paths

Quiz 3: Grounds and paths

The questions for the final quiz on the grounds and paths teachings.

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Grounds and Paths

Buddhahood: Four buddha bodies

The commentary on the text draws to a close with the final section on buddhahood.…

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Bodhisattva Ethical Restraints

Bodhisattva ethical restraints: Auxiliary vow 46

The conclusion of the teachings on the bodhisattva ethical restraints, the precept regarding using miraculous…

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Grounds and Paths

Qualities of bodhisattva grounds 8-10

Explanation on what is eliminated and achieved on each ground, and the bodhisattva's abilities on…

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Grounds and Paths

Qualities of bodhisattva ground 7

Explanation of the qualities achieved by a bodhisattva on the seventh ground including which afflictions…

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