Bodhisattva Path

How to become a bodhisattva, a great being intent on attaining full awakening for the benefit of all beings.

All Posts in Bodhisattva Path

Shantideva Teachings in Singapore

Chapter 7: Verses 50-58

Developing and applying self-confidence, the second factor of joyous effort. Learning from failure and not…

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Shantideva Teachings in Singapore

Chapter 7: Verses 31-49

Overcoming the three types of laziness that oppose joyous effort. Developing aspiration and self-confidence, the…

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Buddha statue at a temple in Taiwan.
Bodhisattva Path

Equanimity and bodhicitta

Equanimity for all beings is the foundation upon which bodhicitta is developed. How the bodhicitta…

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Shantideva Teachings in Singapore

Chapter 7: Verses 15-30

When joyous effort helps us go forward in our practice to do something good and…

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Shantideva Teachings in Singapore

Chapter 7: Verses 1-15

Joyous effort—taking delight in virtuous activities—is a powerful antidote to the three types of laziness…

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Ven. Chodron standing with a nun from Pu Yi Nunnery and Ven. Damcho.
Bodhisattva Path

Inspiring the heart on the path

How to meditate to cultivate bodhicitta using Shantideva's step-by-step instruction on equalizing and exchanging self…

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Bodhisattva Path

The advantages of bodhicitta

Ten ways that the practice of altruism benefits an altruistic person in his or her…

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Shantideva Teachings in Singapore

Chapter 6: Verses 127-134

Putting time and energy into thought transformation changes how we view difficult situations and people…

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Shantideva Teachings in Singapore

Chapter 6: Verses 119-126

By harming sentient beings we create the causes for our own suffering. By respecting them…

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Shantideva Teachings in Singapore

Chapter 6: Verses 112-118

Why we need sentient beings to develop fortitude and create merit. Looking at the important…

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Grounds and Paths

Buddhahood and individual liberation

Responding to a viewer's question on how individual liberation fits into the path to buddhahood.

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Engaging in the Bodhisattva's Deeds

Cherishing others

The benefits of cherishing others and practicing fortitude. Verses 119-134 of Chapter 6 of Shantideva's…

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