New to Buddhism
Short talks introducing the Buddhist worldview and teachings based on Venerable Thubten Chodron’s introductory books.
All Posts in New to Buddhism
Religious harmony: Diversity is beneficial
The benefits of interfaith dialogue and the shared values of different spiritual traditions.
View PostThe four immeasurable attitudes
Explanation of what the four immeasurable attitudes are and how we can use them to…
View PostImportance of motivation in Buddhist practice
The benefit of setting a virtuous motivation when waking and reviewing our actions at the…
View Post10th anniversary of September 11
How our Dharma practice can help to overcome violence and create peace on the personal…
View PostIntegration of sutra and tantra in Tibetan Buddhism
How Buddhist teachings help to increase constructive states and decrease destructive states of mind.
View PostTheravada and Mahayana Buddhism
The value of understanding the different Buddhist traditions.
View PostBuddhist traditions: finding what suits us
Similarities of the various traditions and the principal teachings common to all.
View PostLesson from an incarcerated person
Taking responsibility for our experiences without blaming ourselves.
View PostRuminating: living in the past and future
How ruminating interferes with meditation and being mindful of the present.
View PostComplaining: a favorite pastime
Complaining causes disharmony with others and serves no positive purpose. The difference between complaining and…
View PostMarriage: helping each other grow
How attachment and the self-centered attitude cause problems in relationships. The importance of trust and…
View PostColleagues and clients
Bringing our practice into the workplace to transform habitual ways of relating to others.
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