Monastic Life

A treasury of information about the joys and challenges of life as a Buddhist monastic.

All Posts in Monastic Life

Vens. Jampa Tsedroen, Tenzin Palmo, and Thubten Chodron meet with some Tibetan nuns
Full Ordination for Nuns

For the enlightenment of all

An article in Bangkok Post on Bhikkhuni Jampa Tsedroen and her dedication to seeking equality…

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Venerable Tenzin Sangmo (hands folded together), the Dutch nun who founded and runs Thösamling, and Venerable Lhundup Damchö, to her left, are among those listening intently to Venerable Chödron’s Dharma talk.
Full Ordination for Nuns

The birth of Sakyadhita

Reminiscing about the pioneering conference that brought together female Buddhist practitioners from around the world.

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Venerable Heng Shure, Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo and Venerable Thubten Chodron smiling
A Nun's Life

The wisdom of kindness

The moving life story of one of the first Western Tibetan Buddhist nuns and her…

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Stupas and prayer flags in dharamsala.
A Nun's Life

Gender equality/inequality in Buddhism

How our own minds create our experience of gender equality. Addressing "problematic" text, situation of…

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Venerable teaching at Thosamling.
Western Monastics

Adjusting to monastic life

Important elements in forming a community: how to cultivate an attitude of transparency and how…

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Ven. Jampa Tsedroen, Ven. Heng-Ching Shih, Ven. Lekshe Tsomo and Ven. Chodron.
Tibetan Tradition

The Committee of Western Bhikshunis

A group created at the request of H.H. the Dalai Lama to research how to…

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Venerable in the Abbey garden area with participants of EML 2006.
Exploring Monastic Life 2006

Benefits of ordination

The benefits of ordination include incredible accumulation of merit, freedom to dedicate life to practice,…

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Monk sweeping monstery grounds.
Exploring Monastic Life 2006

Keeping the mind on spiritual practice

Guarding the sense doors and living in perfect morality with introspective alertness.

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Monk sweeping monstery grounds.
Exploring Monastic Life 2006

Keeping ethical conduct

How to face hindrances with a clear and strong mind, what to practice and what…

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Monk sweeping monstery grounds.
Exploring Monastic Life 2006

“The Fruits of the Homeless Life”

A sutra that describes the benefits of renouncing lay life. The background for the teachings…

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Tibetan monk performing tantric ritual.
Exploring Monastic Life 2006

Tantra in practice

History and comparison of Buddhist and non-Buddhist forms of tantra and the uniqueness of the…

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Sand mandala.
Exploring Monastic Life 2006

The development of Tantra in Buddhism

The evolution of the various classes of tantra, how culture relates to tantra, and how…

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