Monastic Life

A treasury of information about the joys and challenges of life as a Buddhist monastic.

All Posts in Monastic Life

A wall with the words: Sanctuary of Contentment
Exploring Monastic Life 2008


Dissatisfaction is painful so we train our mind to be happy with what we have,…

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A sign with the word : the mindfulness bell written.
Exploring Monastic Life 2008

Mindfulness and checking awareness

Going through the day feeling confident we have good ethical conduct and bearing no guilt…

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Buddhist monks carrying a bowl to get offerings.
Exploring Monastic Life 2008

Livelihood for monastics

Avoiding activities that are naturally negative and activities that will take you away from your…

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Buddha with five monks kneeling in front of him.
Exploring Monastic Life 2008

The life of the Buddha

The life of the Buddha in terms of the direction we can go in mind…

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A happy bhikshuni from Bhutan
Exploring Monastic Life 2008

“The Fruits of the Homeless Life”

Monastic context of socializing with family and friends, receiving gifts and donations, appropriate bodily conduct…

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EML group in sitting position and chanting.
Exploring Monastic Life 2008

Taking and holding the precepts

Vows aren't designed to make us miserable, but to make our minds peaceful and happy…

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Two novices studying, one novice writing on the paper of the other novice.
Exploring Monastic Life 2008

The benefits of precepts

What is important in our lives? Happiness is getting our lives together to pacify our…

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The 2008 Exploring Monastic Life participants pose in front of the beautiful Medicine Buddha thangka in the Abbey living room.
Exploring Monastic Life 2008

Introducing Exploring Monastic Life 2008

Opening the 2008 Exploring Monastic Life program with an introduction and advice on how to…

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Monastics standing together.
Western Monastics

The importance of Buddhist monasticism in the West

The role of Buddhist monastics, monastic centers, how Western monasticism differs from Eastern monasticism, and…

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Group photo of monastics.
Western Buddhist Monastic Gatherings

Monasteries and monastic training

A summary of the recent 14th annual Western Buddhist monastic conference, describing the training of…

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Group photo of monastics.
Western Buddhist Monastic Gatherings

Western monasticism

Monastics from different traditions discuss aspects of training, creating monasteries, and the challenges of monastic…

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Venerable receiving an offering after a teaching at Maitripa.
Monastic Life

Right livelihood for the sangha in the 21st century

How the sangha practices the Dharma will have a deep impact on the survival of…

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