Monastic Life

A treasury of information about the joys and challenges of life as a Buddhist monastic.

All Posts in Monastic Life

A black statue of a buddha with a sign Life Story of the Buddha
Exploring Monastic Life 2010

The Buddha’s life

How to not rely on external things for happiness but instead seek liberation from suffering,…

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The text of the Four Noble Truths written on a paper
Exploring Monastic Life 2010

Motivation in a monastic environment

Examining the kind of mind that we want to cultivate when living a monastic way…

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A joyful group photo of Exploring Monastic Life 2010.
Exploring Monastic Life 2010

Living in a monastic environment

Opening the 2010 Exploring Monastic Life program with a talk on the practical aspects of…

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An informal discussion: Venerable Tenzin Kacho, Venerable Thubten Chodron, Venerable Wu Yin, Venerable Jendy, Venerable Heng-ching.
Tibetan Tradition

Multi-tradition ordination (long version)

Detailed research establishing a precedent in Tibet where ordination was given together by monks from…

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A hand lighting a white candle.
Theravada Tradition

The five points

Taken from "Where We Are Now," a letter by Elders' Council of the Forest Sangha,…

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Group photo of sangha in theravada bhikshuni ordination in sravasti abbbey.
Theravada Tradition

Bhikkhunīs in Theravāda

Tracing the valid­ity of bhikkhunī ordin­a­tion within the Theravāda tradition, events through time and space,…

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Tibetan nuns seated in a prayer hall.
Tibetan Tradition

“I will do it”

The Seventeenth Gyalwang Karmapa steps up to address the issue of bhikshuni full ordination in…

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Hand in meditation position.
Full Ordination for Nuns

That was then, this is now

Why the eight heavy rules on the ordination of women need to be changed.

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Few nuns bowing.
Full Ordination for Nuns

The time has come

Exploring challenges faced by bhikkunis in obtaining full ordination and why a genuine dialogue between…

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Venerable Samten with eyes closed while two nuns shave her head.
Western Monastics

Why we need monasticism

Monastics as a bridge between the ancient teachings and the modern world.

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Venerable Chonyi standing by Venerable Chodron in the Abbey mediation hall.
Becoming a Monastic

An interview with a newly ordained monastic

Venerable Thubten Chonyi talks candidly to Awaken magazine of her decision to follow the monastic…

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Life at Sravasti Abbey

Interview by Buddhist Television Network

Venerable Thubten Chodron relays her reasons for starting Sravasti Abbey and the challenges and difficulties…

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