
Learn different Buddhist meditation techniques and all the tools you need to establish a daily meditation practice.

All Posts in Meditation

Deity Meditation

Vajrayana foundation

How Vajrayana fits in in relation to other Buddhist practices.

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Shantideva on the Establishments of Mindfulness

Our craving for feelings and contact

Examining how our feelings arise dependently gives us an objective view of how they rule…

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The Eight Dangers

Dedication and self-acceptance

How the afflictions arise one after another in our mind and how to humbly and…

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Shantideva on the Establishments of Mindfulness

Pleasant and unpleasant feelings

We are constantly motivated by attachment and aversion to feelings, which causes us to try…

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The Eight Dangers

Inability to settle on a path

Doubt can undermine our Dharma practice and study, and can even cause lack of confidence…

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The Eight Dangers

The carnivorous demon of doubt

How doubt torments us along the path, and how difficult it is sometimes to recognize…

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The Eight Dangers

Staving off the flood

Strengthening our precepts and practice helps to fortify our minds against the flood of attachment…

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The Eight Dangers

Attachment to ideas

Try something different! How attachment to ideas creates conflict and unhappiness in our lives.

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The Eight Dangers

Attachment to personal identity

Sometimes going to a new environment gives us more space to relate to things and…

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The Eight Dangers

Varieties of attachment

Under the right conditions we can become attached to anything, exaggerating the good qualities of…

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Shantideva on the Establishments of Mindfulness

Analyzing the body

Analyzing the body helps to see how it does not exist inherently but does exist…

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