
Learn about Amitabha, the buddha of infinite light, and how to be reborn in his Pure Land.

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Three Russian dolls with Amitabha, Green Tara, and Vajrasattva painted on them.

Amitabha Retreats (Russia 2017-18)

Teachings given at retreats on Amitabha Buddha at North Kunsangar Buddhist retreat center in Russia in 2017-18. With consecutive translation into Russian.

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Thangka of Amitabha's pure land.

Practicing the Amitabha Sadhana (2017-18)

Short talks on the Amitabha practice given in preparation for the Amitabha Winter Retreat at Sravasti Abbey in 2017-2018.

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Thangka image of Amitabha Buddha.

Amitabha Buddha deity sadhana with guided meditation

Guided meditation on Amitabha Buddha with sadhana.

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Protected and Remembered by All Buddhas: The Buddha ...

Buddha Shakyamuni presents to his disciple Śāriputra a detailed description of Sukhāvatī, the pure land…

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Venerable meditating during a teaching at KSMPKS.

Connecting with Amitabha Buddha

The Amitabha Buddha practice and what a pure land is. The benefits and the causes…

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Ven. Chodron sits and teaches in front of a Maitreya statue at Vimalakirti Buddhist Centre Singapore.

Who is Amitabha?

Understanding Amitabha and his pure land. How the practice immerses you in the Buddhist teachings.…

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Venerable Chodron spins a mani wheel.

Creating the causes for rebirth in Amitabha’s ...

What it means to be reborn in Amitabha’s Western Pure Land, how to create the…

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Venerable Chodron gives a talk at Pu Yi Nunnery.

Cultivating Amitabha’s attitude

Bringing the mind in line with Amitabha's way of thinking means cultivating an attitude that…

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All Posts in Amitabha

Thangka image of Amitabha Buddha.

Amitabha Buddha deity sadhana with guided meditation

Guided meditation on Amitabha Buddha with sadhana.

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Three Russian dolls with Amitabha, Green Tara, and Vajrasattva painted on them.

Introduction to the Amitabha practice

Introduction to the meditation on Amitabha Buddha. The benefit of being reborn in a pure…

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Three Russian dolls with Amitabha, Green Tara, and Vajrasattva painted on them.

Amitabha practice: Chanting and visualization

Explanation and demonstration of the Amitabha Buddha chanting. The meaning of the chants, their purpose…

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Three Russian dolls with Amitabha, Green Tara, and Vajrasattva painted on them.

Amitabha practice: Mantra recitation and visualization

Explanation of the visualization and purification during the mantra recitation. Continuation of the disadvantages of…

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Three Russian dolls with Amitabha, Green Tara, and Vajrasattva painted on them.

Amitabha practice: Aspiration prayer

Explanation of the aspiration section of the Amitabha practice. Making kindness our default mode in…

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Three Russian dolls with Amitabha, Green Tara, and Vajrasattva painted on them.

Amitabha practice: Prayer for the time of death, part 1

An explanation of the prayer for the time of death. Through practice and familiarity with…

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Three Russian dolls with Amitabha, Green Tara, and Vajrasattva painted on them.

Amitabha practice: Prayer for the time of death, part 2

Continued explanation of the prayer for the time of death from the Amitabha sadhana. Meditating…

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Three Russian dolls with Amitabha, Green Tara, and Vajrasattva painted on them.

Refuge and the five lay precepts

Using the analogy of the Three Jewels as doctor, medicine and nurses for taking refuge.…

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Amitabha practice: Refuge and bodhicitta

Explanation of the Amitabha practice, beginning with taking refuge, in preparation for the Abbey's upcoming…

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Amitabha practice: The four immeasurables

How to generate the four immeasurables as part of the Amitabha practice.

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Amitabha practice across traditions

Background on the bodhisattva Amitabha, rebirth in his pure land, and Amitabha practices across Buddhist…

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Amitabha practice: Pure land rebirth

What it’s like to be reborn in Amitabha’s Pure Land, Sukhavati.

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