
Deepen your intelligence and wisdom through the practice of Manjushri, the bodhisattva of transcendent wisdom.

All Posts in Manjushri

A man sitting down with his hands covering his head, seem to be in distress.
Manjushri Winter Retreat 2008-09

Distractions, the mind, and compassion

A discussion session with questions from those doing the retreat, covering topics like dealing with…

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A boy squatting down with his hands covering his head.
Manjushri Winter Retreat 2008-09

Emotions, refuge, and emptiness

Observing how sleep patterns may change during retreat due to the calming of the mind,…

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Manjushri Winter Retreat 2008-09

Taking retreat into daily life

For those coming out of the one-month retreat: how to come out of retreat and…

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A statue of a buddha covered in snow.
Manjushri Winter Retreat 2008-09

Working with the mind in retreat

Working with the afflictions, applying correct antidotes, an explanation of lung and a discussion regarding…

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A man meditating on a rock, surrounded by the sea, sunset in the background.
Manjushri Winter Retreat 2008-09

The mind and body in meditation

A discussion on mindfulness, antidotes to lethargy and sleepiness, proper meditation posture and dealing with…

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A statute of a giant buddha, showing the sky at the background.
Manjushri Winter Retreat 2008-09

Reflecting on dukkha to fuel renunciation

How an awareness of dissatisfaction can fuel the practice, and how silence in retreat is…

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A girl bending her head down with her hands covering her ears
Manjushri Winter Retreat 2008-09

Wisdom, renunciation, and attachment

A discussion covering the topics of great and profound wisdom, emptiness and attachment, how vipassana…

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A man shouting angrily
Manjushri Winter Retreat 2008-09

Dealing with afflictions and illness

Bringing poor health into the path and the practice, and working with attachment and feelings…

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Buddha hand holding a bowl, with a flower inside.
Manjushri Winter Retreat 2008-09

Practicing the Dharma

In this session discussion revolves around working with illness and attachment, observing and working with…

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A small girl showing angry face
Manjushri Winter Retreat 2008-09

Bad moods and self-criticism

The final discussion session of the retreat focuses on working with bad moods and being…

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A young girl laughing in happiness.
Manjushri Winter Retreat 2008-09

Rejoicing at conclusion of retreat

Closing the retreat with rejoicing, dedicating the merit, advice for coming out of retreat and…

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Image of Manjushri

Homage to Manjushri

A prayer to Manjushri recited before teachings at Sravasti Abbey.

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