Dharma in Action

The real meaning of Dharma practice is to transform our minds. The rubber meets the road when we get off the cushion and live our practice in daily life.

All Posts in Dharma in Action

Young people knead bread together in the Sravasti Abbey kitchen.
Mindful Eating

Verses after meals

An explanation of the mantras done after meals and dedication prayers for all beings.

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On Taking Illness Onto the Path

Recognizing our inner beauty

Abbey volunteer Heather Duchscher shares how meeting the Dharma helped her to overcome her eating…

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On Taking Illness Onto the Path

Healing the body, mind, and world

Dietician Bob Wilson shares how making healthy choices has healed his body and mind, enabling…

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Young people knead bread together in the Sravasti Abbey kitchen.
Mindful Eating

Dedication verses

Why it's important to dedicate to never be separated from the Triple Gem, and a…

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Love and Self-esteem

Genuine self-confidence

Self-confidence is the opposite of self-centeredness. As women, we should be secure in our commitments…

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Young people knead bread together in the Sravasti Abbey kitchen.
Mindful Eating

Offering our food

A continuing commentary on the verses for offering food to the Three Jewels.

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Young people knead bread together in the Sravasti Abbey kitchen.
Mindful Eating

Homage to the Three Jewels

An explanation of the verses of homage done in the food offering in the Tibetan…

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Young people knead bread together in the Sravasti Abbey kitchen.
Mindful Eating

Eating mindfully

A continuation of the commentary on five ways to think in order to make eating…

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Young people knead bread together in the Sravasti Abbey kitchen.
Mindful Eating

Eating with gratitude

A commentary on the first two of the five contemplations before meals from the Chinese…

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Young people knead bread together in the Sravasti Abbey kitchen.
Mindful Eating

Our motivation for eating

A new series of talks, "Food for Awakening," on Buddhist perspectives about eating.

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Retreatants with Venerable Chodron at the Phendeling Centre teaching.
Living with Impermanence

We need to remember that we are going to die

Do the practice and the results will come when they are ready. Julie Relsted of…

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