Working with Emotions

How to identify disturbing emotions, their causes and antidotes, and transform them to bring inner peace.

All Posts in Working with Emotions

Fear, Anxiety, and Other Emotions

Fear of losing our identity

One of our biggest fears is losing our identity, and this very much feeds into…

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Fear, Anxiety, and Other Emotions

Fear about the world

Anxiety about the state of the world can be eased by reflecting on the kindness…

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Fear, Anxiety, and Other Emotions

The wisdom of fear

The difference between wisdom fear and panicky fear. Fear in Buddhism is an awareness of…

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Fear, Anxiety, and Other Emotions

Why talk about fear?

Why should we talk about fear? Our minds will conjure up all sorts of things…

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Man walking down street looking angry.
Healing Anger

How can we deal with anger?

Venerable Chodron explains how anger, a negative emotion, creates problems in our lives, and how…

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Venerable Chodron sitting near a window, reading a book.
Contentment and Happiness

Simplifying our lives

Letting go of life's complications by giving up the dissatisfied mind and closing down the…

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One of the Eight Auspicious Symbols-the endless knot .
Cultivating Compassion

Wisdom and compassion

Seeing the kindness of sentient beings and understanding that our enlightenment depends on them.

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Young woman sadly looking downward.
Fear, Anxiety, and Other Emotions

Disappointment and delight—the eight worldly c...

Confronting the eight worldly concerns will transform our attachments and emotional afflictions into happiness and…

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Closeup of Venerable Chodron teaching.
Contentment and Happiness

Cultivating contentment

How contentment cannot be found in external possessions and relationships but stems from developing our…

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Black and white closeup of young man's face, looking angry.
Healing Anger

Working with anger

Three audio talks on what anger is and how to handle it.

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