Dharma in Daily Life

Bringing our practice off the cushion into daily life activities and our interactions with others.

All Posts in Dharma in Daily Life

Venerable Chodron leading retreatants in chanting.
Dealing with Grief

Dealing with grief

Exploring the causes of grief and how to work through the grieving process.

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Altar set up for Medicine Buddha puja.
Dealing with Grief

When our spiritual mentors pass away

A exchange with an old friend about experiencing the deaths of spiritual teachers.

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Abbey monastics chanting during a Medicine Buddha puja.
Dealing with Grief

Losing a dear one who was young

A letter from a student questioning the reason for the loss of her younger sister.

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Closeup of Venerable Chodron teaching.
Speaking Wisely and Kindly

Hurtful words, healing words

Being mindful of our speech so as to prevent ourselves from harming others.

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Couple holding hands.
Family and Friends

Romance and family life

Buddhist advice for parents and for youth on romantic love and relationships.

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Abbey monastics laughing joyously.
Dharma in Daily Life

Joyous effort

Cultivating antidotes to discouragement and laziness helps our Dharma practice.

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Young girl smiling in classroom.
Family and Friends

Questions from children

Why do you shave your head? and many other questions from the children at the…

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Small Buddha statue next to a candle.
Helping the Dying and Deceased

Preparing for a loved one’s death

Using the teachings to prepare the loved one for death and to prepare the family…

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Parents and their two young children have fun in the snow at Sravasti Abbey.
Family and Friends

Communication and understanding conflict styles

People deal with conflict differently, and it is helpful to know and understand what's really…

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Parents and their two young children have fun in the snow at Sravasti Abbey.
Family and Friends

Wanting to fix others

How looking at our problems and addressing them is more beneficial than trying to fix…

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Parents and their two young children have fun in the snow at Sravasti Abbey.
Family and Friends

Love and attachment

How to not only recognize the difference between love and attachment but how to be…

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