
Teachings on the Buddhist worldview from introductory talks to comprehensive explanations of the stages of the path to awakening.

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Close-up of golden Buddha's face.
Three Principal Aspects of the Path

The advantages of bodhicitta

Why should we pursue the Buddhist ideal of being of benefit to all living beings?…

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The back view of a golden statute of the young shakyamuni Buddha, pointing in the sky.
Refuge in the Three Jewels

Understanding refuge

Exploring the meaning and benefits of taking refuge in the Three Jewels and how to…

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Joined hands of two people.
Bodhisattva Path


Developing equanimity opens the heart equally to all, offering genuine respect for all beings.

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A man in black walking toward bright light.
Three Principal Aspects of the Path

The middle way view

Examining emptiness and the misconception of the self existent, permanent self; the relationship of the…

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A man in black walking toward bright light.
Three Principal Aspects of the Path

Ultimate and conventional existence

The ultimate nature of emptiness within the three aspects of the path, discussion of ultimate…

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Tenenaged girl, smiling.
For Young People

A letter to Venerable Chodron

A teenager shares her thoughts about Buddhism.

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Buddha and flowers in orange color.
New to Buddhism

Why Buddhism?

Buddha's teachings attract people who are looking for a spiritual practice that creates inner peace…

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Wheel of Life thangka.
Three Principal Aspects of the Path

Infallible effects of karma

Avoiding and purifying the negative karma created through the actions of our body, speech, and…

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Cover of Geshen Sonam Rinchen's book "The Three Principal Aspects of the Path".
Three Principal Aspects of the Path

General characteristics of karma

Karma is definite, expandable, doesn't get lost, and results from the causes that we have…

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Venerable Chodron meditating.
Three Principal Aspects of the Path

Imagining your death

The Buddhist practice of meditation on our own deaths can free our minds from the…

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