Teachings on the Buddhist worldview from introductory talks to comprehensive explanations of the stages of the path to awakening.
All Posts in Teachings
Far-reaching generosity
Why generosity is the first of the six far-reaching practices and the reason for their…
View PostThe four immeasurable attitudes
Explanation of what the four immeasurable attitudes are and how we can use them to…
View PostBodhisattva aryas’ grounds
A commentaty of the bodhisattva aryas' grounds and the difference between the wisdom of bodhisattvas…
View PostMahayana path of preparation
Explanation of the four divisions of the path of preparation and how a practitioner progresses…
View PostRebirth and impermanence
What exactly is it that goes from life to life? How is it that everyone…
View PostSome questions on rebirth
Responses to questions about rebirth from participants of the SAFE (Sravasti Abbey Friends Education) program.
View PostAdvantages of bodhicitta
Re-examining the advantages of bodhicitta and developing bodhicitta through the seven-point cause and effect method.
View PostMahayana path of accumulation
Commentary on the Mahayana path of accumulation and the levels bodhicitta.
View PostImportance of motivation in Buddhist practice
The benefit of setting a virtuous motivation when waking and reviewing our actions at the…
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