
Teachings on the Buddhist worldview from introductory talks to comprehensive explanations of the stages of the path to awakening.

All Posts in Teachings

Volume 3 Samsara, Nirvana, and Buddha Nature

Types of nirvana

Continuing teaching from Chapter 11, covering natural nirvana and nirvana with remainder and nirvana without…

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Shantideva Teachings at Sravasti Abbey

Attachment to body, friends, and family

Commentary on verses by Shantideva covering antidotes for attachment to the body, friends, and relatives.

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Thangka image of Lama Tsongkapa.
Tenets with Ven. Sangye Khadro

Prāsaṅgika Madhyamaka tenets: Part 1

Introduction to Prāsaṅgika tenet school including origin, etymology and the mode of asserting objects.

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Volume 3 Samsara, Nirvana, and Buddha Nature


Continuing teaching from Chapter 11, describing the nature and characteristics of nirvana.

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Shantideva Teachings at Sravasti Abbey

Attachment hinders our concentration

Commentary to verses 23 - 28, which describe attachment as a hindrance, and dwelling in…

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Gold and blue drawing of Chandrakirti.
Illumination of the Thought

Homage to Compassion

Chandrakirti praises compassion as the source of bodhicitta.

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Volume 3 Samsara, Nirvana, and Buddha Nature

The two obscurations

Continuing teaching from Chapter 11, covering afflictive obscurations and cognitive obscurations.

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Volume 3 Samsara, Nirvana, and Buddha Nature

Bodhisattvas’ path to awakening

Continuing teaching from Chapter 11, explaining the five paths of the bodhisattva vehicle.

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Bodhisattva Path

70 Topics: The four buddha bodies

Teaching on chapter 8 on the buddha bodies and a buddha's exalted activities.

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Volume 3 Samsara, Nirvana, and Buddha Nature

Freedom from cyclic existence

Commencing teaching from Chapter 11, describing five paths of the practitioners of sravaka vehicle.

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Bodhisattva Path

70 Topics: The four applications and Buddhahood

Overview of chapters 6 to 8: serial application, instantaneous application, and the resultant truth body.

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