Teachings on the Buddhist worldview from introductory talks to comprehensive explanations of the stages of the path to awakening.
All Posts in Teachings
Conventional and ultimate analysis
Explaining how things are not findable under conventional and ultimate analysis, continuing the section "Equality…
View PostCompetition and exchanging self with others
Continued explanation of exchanging self with others to develop bodhicitta.
View PostThe faults of self-centeredness
How self-centeredness creates problems in our lives, and the actual method of exchanging self and…
View PostMeditation in the Tibetan tradition
The types and purposes of meditation as taught in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition.
View PostLiving a life that matters
How to overcome the eight worldly concerns and generate bodhicitta.
View PostEquality of samsara and nirvana
Describing the meaning of "one taste in emptiness", beginning the section, "The Equality of Samsara…
View PostDon’t misunderstand Shantideva
How Shantideva's verses can be misunderstood, leading to unsound conclusions.
View PostThe object of negation
Correctly identifying the object of negation is essential for the meditation on emptiness to be…
View PostMindfulness of mind and phenomena
A discussion about understanding the mind and phenoma with connections to the third and fourth…
View PostDormant and manifest consciousnesses
Explaining dormant and manifest aspects of rigpa and subtlest clear light mind, completing the section…
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