
Cultivate wisdom that can overcome ignorance at all levels and lead to the attainment of liberation and full awakening.

All Posts in Wisdom

Buddhist Tenet Systems

Introduction to the two truths

An introduction to the concept of the two truths and its role in Buddhist teachings…

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Emptiness and the object of negation, part 2

Q & A focusing on taking away the appearance of an object or person.

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Emptiness and the object of negation, part 3

How the sense of an "I" appears to us yet cannot be found when investigating.

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Emptiness and the object of negation, part 1

How to identify the object of negation by taking away the appearance of something or…

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Tenets with Geshe Dorji Damdul

Benefits of cultivating bodhicitta

Combining the two techniques for cultivating bodhicitta and the benefits of cultivating bodhicitta.

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Tenets with Geshe Dorji Damdul

Discussion: Mind-only school

A discussion session regarding uncompounded space, objects as reflections of mind, and cause and effect…

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Tenets with Geshe Dorji Damdul

Generating bodhicitta

Equalizing and exchanging self and others and the seven-fold cause and effect relationship.

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Tenets with Geshe Dorji Damdul

Emptiness and bodhicitta

The benefits of generating bodhicitta and how emptiness and bodhicitta can support one another.

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Tenets with Geshe Dorji Damdul

Emptiness in everyday life

How ignorance, conceptualizations, afflictions and karma are linked and how to practice the understanding of…

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