Stages of the Path

Lamrim teachings provide a step-by-step approach to practicing the entire path to awakening.

All Posts in Stages of the Path

Buddha in bright radiating light.
LR14 Bodhisattva Deeds

Generosity according to the four points

Exploring the far-reaching attitude of generosity though the giving of body, possessions, and virtue according…

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Buddha in bright radiating light.
LR14 Bodhisattva Deeds

The three forms of generosity

Exploring the three types of generosity included in the far-reaching attitude of generosity.

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Buddha in bright radiating light.
LR14 Bodhisattva Deeds

The six far-reaching attitudes

An overview of the six far-reaching practices, also known as the six paramitas: generosity, ethics,…

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Many statutes of bodhisattvas.
LR13 Bodhisattva Ethical Restraints

Auxiliary bodhisattva vows: Vow 30-36

Overcoming obstacles to the far-reaching attitudes of wisdom and the ethics of benefitting others.

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Many statutes of bodhisattvas.
LR13 Bodhisattva Ethical Restraints

Auxiliary bodhisattva vows: Vow 23-30

Overcoming obstacles to the far-reaching attitudes of joyous effort, concentration, and wisdom.

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Many statutes of bodhisattvas.
LR13 Bodhisattva Ethical Restraints

Auxiliary bodhisattva vows: Vow 22

Overcoming the three types of laziness as part of auxiliary vow 22 to overcome obstacles…

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Many statutes of bodhisattvas.
LR13 Bodhisattva Ethical Restraints

Auxiliary bodhisattva vows: Vows 6-12

Completion of the auxiliary vows to overcome obstacles to far-reaching generosity as well as the…

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Many statutes of bodhisattvas.
LR13 Bodhisattva Ethical Restraints

Auxiliary bodhisattva vows: Vows 1-5

Introduction to the 46 auxiliary bodhisattva vows and an in-depth look at the first five…

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