Stages of the Path

Lamrim teachings provide a step-by-step approach to practicing the entire path to awakening.

All Posts in Stages of the Path

A man in black walking toward bright light.
Three Principal Aspects of the Path

Basis, path, and result: Discussion

Question and answer session on the aspects of the basis, the path, and the result…

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Woman meditating in a camper.
Three Principal Aspects of the Path

Taking and giving

The taking and giving meditation, or tonglen, reverses our usual attitude of placing ourselves first…

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Person in meditation.
Three Principal Aspects of the Path

Exchanging self and others

When we learn to place others' happiness above our own, we start to destroy the…

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Man helping another young man with a crutch.
Three Principal Aspects of the Path

The advantages of cherishing others

Our own enlightenment is dependent on each and every sentient being. When we abandon the…

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Young man sitting on window sill, staring out window.
Three Principal Aspects of the Path

The disadvantages of self-centeredness

The self-centered mind is one of the chief obstacles to our attaining liberation and enlightenment.

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Young woman meditating.
Three Principal Aspects of the Path

Equalizing self and others

The second method of generating bodhicitta, called equalizing and exchanging self and others, is discussed.

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A copper-plate picture of a sitting Buddha.
Three Principal Aspects of the Path

The great resolve and bodhicitta

The decision we make in our Dharma practice to benefit all sentient beings is a…

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Venerable Chodron giving mani pills to a retreatant.
Three Principal Aspects of the Path

Great compassion

Just as love is the thought that we want all beings to have happiness, so…

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Venerable Jampa, smiling and talking to retreatants during group discussion.
Three Principal Aspects of the Path

Heart-warming love

It is possible to see all beings, whether they are friends, enemies, or strangers, as…

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Sidewalk chalk drawing of a heart and the words 'All you need is love.'
Three Principal Aspects of the Path

The benefits of love

Developing love in our minds brings benefits, as outlined in Nagarjuna's book The Precious Garland,…

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