Stages of the Path

Lamrim teachings provide a step-by-step approach to practicing the entire path to awakening.

All Posts in Stages of the Path

Sonam Gyatso the Third Dalai Lama
Essence of Refined Gold

The greatness of the teaching

The lineage of the teachings, relying on the lamrim teachings, how the lamrim is helpful…

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Sonam Gyatso the Third Dalai Lama
Essence of Refined Gold

History of the lamrim

The history of the lamrim and how can Buddhists in the West can approach the…

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Sonam Gyatso the Third Dalai Lama
Chenrezig Winter Retreat 2006-07

Essence of Refined Gold

A treatise on the Lamrim Tradition of meditation, a tradition known as "Stages on the…

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Tangkha image of Chandrakirti.
Three Principal Aspects of the Path

Profound view

How wisdom and compassion support each other. Ten ways to practice mindfulness of emptiness. When…

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Monk walking toward a transparent Buddha figure.
Three Principal Aspects of the Path

The self as a merely labeled phenomenon

Why understanding dependent arising precedes the realization of emptiness. The meaning of being merely labeled.…

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Statue of Je Tsongkhapa
Three Principal Aspects of the Path

Ways in which we apprehend phenomena

What does it mean when we say that things, including the self, exist in dependence…

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Statue of a Buddha.
Three Principal Aspects of the Path

Progressing from wrong conceptions to correct view

How to use your meditation to move through the various stages of realizing emptiness, the…

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Three Principal Aspects of the Path

Negating inherent existence

The three levels of selflessness. Conventional and ultimate truths. The three levels of dependent arising.

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Statue of Lama Tsongkhapa and altar.
Three Principal Aspects of the Path

Cultivating the correct view

The importance of meditating on emptiness. How ignorance leads to suffering and wisdom eliminates suffering.…

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Venerable Tarpa getting her head shaved by Venerable and other monastics.
Three Principal Aspects of the Path

Renunciation and bodhicitta

We can end our grasping at the illusory happiness of our lives and learn to…

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A yellow statute of prince siddhartha cutting of his hair, as a symbol of his renunciation.
Three Principal Aspects of the Path

Advantages of renunciation

Explains the opening verses, and explains the importance and advantages of renunciation. Clarifies what renunciation…

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A hand holding a hand clock and a skeleton head in background.
Living a Meaningful Life

What is important at the time of death

A guided meditation on imagining our own death. How to practice in preparation for death…

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