Bodhisattva Path

How to become a bodhisattva, a great being intent on attaining full awakening for the benefit of all beings.

All Posts in Bodhisattva Path

Grounds and Paths

Review Quiz 2: Questions 3-4

How stabilizing and analytical meditation relate to serenity and insight, and levels of bodhicitta.

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Grounds and Paths

Review Quiz 2: Questions 1-2

Review of questions 1-2 from the Mahayana grounds and paths quiz and an explanation of…

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Sonam Gyatso the Third Dalai Lama
Grounds and Paths

Quiz 2: Mahayana grounds and paths

The questions for a quiz on the Mahayana grounds and paths portion of the teachings.

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Bodhisattva Ethical Restraints

Bodhisattva ethical restraints: Auxiliary vows 36-38

The precepts regarding taking care of the sick, alleviating the suffering of others, and explaining…

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Grounds and Paths

Bodhisattva grounds

Explanation of the 12 qualities which are used to differentiate the bodhisattva grounds and the…

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Bodhisattva Ethical Restraints

Bodhisattva ethical restraints: Auxiliary vows 34-35

The conclusion of the precepts contrary to the perfection of wisdom and the beginning of…

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Grounds and Paths

Bodhisattva grounds and paths

A detailed outline of the Mahayana grounds and paths, what is to be practiced and…

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Grounds and Paths

First ground of bodhisattva superiors

Explanation of the characteristics and the experience of the first bodhisattva ground.

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Bodhisattva Ethical Restraints

Bodhisattva ethical restraints: Auxiliary vows 26-29

A discussion of the precept regarding attachment to meditative states and the first of the…

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