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Statue of 1000 armed Chenrezig made of wood.
108 Verses on Compassion

108 Verses: A bucket in a well

Comparing how we go from one birth to another repeatedly through an analogy of bucket…

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Four-armed Chenrezig
Chenrezig Weeklong Retreat 2007

Purpose of practice

How understanding the reasons for rituals helps us during the practice.

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Four-armed Chenrezig
Chenrezig Weeklong Retreat 2007

Afflicted views

Observing the thoughts that arise in our mind and examining if they are valid.

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Statue of 1000 armed Chenrezig made of wood.
108 Verses on Compassion

108 Verses: Verses 1-6

How great compassion protects our minds from afflictions and guides us through the spiritual path.

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Bleeding heart flowers in the Sravasti Abbey garden.

Eight verses of thought transformation: Verses 4-5

Looking into our hearts, seeing that we all want happiness and we do not want…

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Bleeding heart flowers in the Sravasti Abbey garden.

Eight verses of thought transformation: Verses 1-3

Seeing others as karmic bubbles in order to loosen our rigid conception of them.

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Bleeding heart flowers in the Sravasti Abbey garden.

Chenrezig retreat discussion: Part 2

A discussion on the many aspects of karma; purifying negative actions through four opponent powers.

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Bleeding heart flowers in the Sravasti Abbey garden.

Chenrezig retreat discussion: Part 1

Being kind and skillful yet incredibly firm. Being an effective, capable human being, not a…

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Bleeding heart flowers in the Sravasti Abbey garden.

Introduction to Chenrezig practice

An overview of the practice of Chenrezig, explaining the meaning and purpose of visualization and…

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Stone statue of Kuan Yin under a tree covered in snow.
Chenrezig Winter Retreat 2006-07

Transition to daily life following retreat

Suggestions on how to transition from retreat. Reflections on the three-month Chenrezig retreat.

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