
Learn different Buddhist meditation techniques and all the tools you need to establish a daily meditation practice.

All Posts in Meditation

Thangka image of Drakpa Gyaltsen.
Parting from the Four Clingings

Parting from the Four Clingings

Verses describing what to practice and what to abandon along the path to awakening.

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Guided Meditations

Why do we lie?

Reflecting on the actions and mental states that drive us to distort the truth, and…

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Guided Meditations

Beyond blame

How to move beyond blaming others and ourselves, and how an understanding of causal dependence…

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Guided Meditations

What is karma?

A meditation for the Daily Dharma Gathering on the four general characteristics of karma.

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Deity Meditation

Meditation on the Buddha in Spanish

Introduction Introduction in Spanish (download) Meditation on the Buddha Meditation on the Buddha in Spanish…

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Guided Meditations

Meditation on forgiveness

A third and final meditation for the Daily Dharma Gathering on how to cultivate internal…

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Manjushri Winter Retreat 2015

Our two-year-old mind

How to work with the self-centered mind that creeps up on us in the middle…

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Manjushri Winter Retreat 2015

The four maras

Explaining the four maras that Yamantaka destroys: the afflictions, polluted aggregates, death, and the son…

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Guided Meditations

Friends, enemies and strangers

A guided meditation on cultivating equanimity as a way of getting off the emotional roller-coaster…

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Making Offerings

The privilege of making offerings

How to think while making offerings and the meaning of making the eight offerings to…

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Guided Meditations

Freeing yourself from jealousy

A meditation on working with jealousy on the Daily Dharma Gathering hosted by Susan Piver…

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