
Learn different Buddhist meditation techniques and all the tools you need to establish a daily meditation practice.

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Prayers and Practices

Purification: What it is, why we need it and how to ...

What purification practice is, why it's important and how to use the four opponent powers…

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Vajrasattva practice: The powers of remedial action ...

The third and fourth of the four opponent powers, remedial action and the determination not…

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Vajrasattva practice: The power of regret

The second of the four opponent powers, regret, and how it is essential to purification…

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Thangka image of Vajrasattva.

Vajrasattva practice: Overview and the power of reli...

What it means to purify nonvirtue and why it's important. Overview of the Vajrasattva practice.…

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More advice for beginner meditators

Helpful advice on dealing with critical thoughts, thoughts about the past or future, balancing concentration…

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Advice for beginner meditators

A listing of teachings and videos for those new to Buddhist meditation.

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Cultivating Concentration Retreat 2017

Balance in body, speech, and mind

A review of the five hindrances and sharing of Master Zhiyi's advice on cultivating balance…

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Cultivating Concentration Retreat 2017

Overcoming hindrances to concentration

How to work with the hindrances of lethargy and sleepiness, agitation and remorse, and deluded…

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Cultivating Concentration Retreat 2017

Getting unstuck from attachment and anger

How to work with sensual desire and malice that are hindrances to cultivating concentration.

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Cultivating Concentration Retreat 2017

Criteria for developing serenity

Teachings from a text by Chinese Master Zhiyi on the levels of conditions we need…

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Cultivating Concentration Retreat 2017

The prerequisites for concentration

An overview of the causes and conditions we need to cultivate as the foundation for…

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